Call to Support School Choice 📱
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Dear Honorable Legislature,
I am a republican primary voter in your district and want to thank you for your service in representing me in the Texas House. I'm writing today to express my strong support for universal school choice with private options, which is before you during this Special Session. Please let me know where you stand in support of Gov Abbott's call during this special session. Also, let me know what you will be doing to make certain we have universal school choice with private options for all Texas kids, so their parents have freedom of choice in their children's education.
I vote in Republican primary elections in your district because I believe government should protect the rights and well-being of every citizen. This is why I support universal school choice with private options, a system that—unlike our current government-controlled system—focuses on children and has built-in accountability via competition.
Our present system is failing. According to Texas' own educational testing results from the most recent STAAR testing for grades 3-8, the average percentage of students performing at grade level in the following subjects is only: Reading: 39.5%; Writing: 29%; Math: 33.2%; Science: 35.5%; and Social Studies: 27%. This is unacceptable.
It is time for Texas to join the more than half the states that have enacted school choice. Ten states have already enacted Universal School Choice! Remarkably, a full 77% of Texans support school choice, thus transcending political affiliation, race, ethnicity, and geography. While there certainly are many good schools and educators, competition will force underperforming schools to improve, because parents will choose well-performing schools. Parents and children will no longer be stuck in failing schools in a broken system and the best teachers will be rewarded.
Of 73 studies conducted to evaluate states with school choice, 93% found that these states produced higher academic outcomes while resulting in taxpayer savings. This is no surprise—choice and competition in any area improve the quality of the product and reduce its price. School choice benefits children! Voters like me are tired of electing Representatives who end up acquiescing to liberal unions that continue to hurt our children. I urge you to vote for choice, competition, and the well-being of each child. I will do everything I can to support and stand with Representatives who stand with our kids by voting for school choice!
I look forward to hearing from you soon at my email and address below to let me know how you intend to vote on this issue. I will be sharing your response with my friends, neighbors, church members, and as many others who vote in our district.
Concerned Citizen